Hi! I’m Kiley

I’m a 24 year-old proud New Jersey native who now calls Virginia home. My journey into the world of cooking and baking began in the kitchen with mom growing up, who ran her own baking business. I took any chance I could to be in there with her, soaking up every lesson she had to offer, and my passion for food blossomed from those early days.

The kitchen became my happy place and playground, where I experimented with flavors, ingredients, and techniques. While I thoroughly enjoy both cooking and baking, it’s the world of baking that truly captured my heart!

As I went off to college, I continued to progress in my culinary creativity, hosting game nights filled with an abundance of sweet treats, and throwing dinner parties with friends. I even started selling my baked goods from my little townhome, sharing my love for baking with anyone who was interested.

However, my college years were not just about indulgence; they also marked a turning point in my relationship with food. Battling an eating disorder forced me to reevaluate my connection with nourishing my body correctly while savoring the foods I loved. This transformation ultimately ignited a new passion for cooking and baking!


In 2018, I started my Instagram account, but it wasn’t until I graduated college and took a job in food photography that I started to take sharing my recipes on social media more seriously. Since then, I’ve built an incredible community of hundreds of thousands of followers who share my love for food, where I get to share new recipes daily!

My culinary style is all about infusing a fun and easy twist into classic everyday dishes and baked goods. I believe that cooking and baking should be approachable, enjoyable, and fun, and I try to inspire others to get creative and have fun in the kitchen.

On my page, social media, and through my shared work on BuzzFeed Tasty, you’ll find my recipes, tips, and culinary adventures!

Whether you’re seeking elevated baked goods, comforting classics with a twist, or some healthier options in between, you’ve come to the right place! I can’t wait to bring you along on the journey. Together, we’ll make every day a special occasion with food that’s as enjoyable to prepare as it is to savor.

For more inspiration and deliciousness, check out my Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube!